Your financial support allows the community to see and experience the diversity of visual art being created in the Dayton area and to interact with and know the artists creating it. To that end, AAVAG presents workshops and exhibits in community spaces featuring a wide range of media and styles by local, regional and internationally recognized artists. Throughout the year, AAVAG also sponsors a variety of educational programs for the general public. Your donation will enable us to provide these free workshops.

Our Workshops

art day

Our annual workshops have been given since 1996, it is an all day event usually in September. The workshop materials and refreshments are all free to the participants.


AAVAG is an IRS Certified nonprofit organization, your donations are tax deductible.

The African American Visual Artists Guild, of Dayton, Ohio is a 30 year old, 501(C)(3) nonprofit, tax exempt visual arts organization in Southwest Ohio devoted to community interaction with contemporary artists. Donations to AAVAG are fully tax deductible.


African American Visual Artists Guild (AAVAG)

840 Germantown Street

Dayton, Ohio 45402


Our Gallery Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 4:30 pm

Saturday: 9 am - 4:30 pm, Saturdays Closed June and July

To Contact Webmaster

Contact: Clifford Darrett

5100 Retford Drive

Dayton, Ohio 45417
